Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Couldn't resist. Haze on MySpace Had this up...

...and this cold prevents me from making a post that requires a terribly lot of sense right now. At least last night I moved from chills to sweats, but my brain is still residing on another planet! Maybe that planet is the moon??

You Are From the Moon

You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many.


Pris said...

Hi Angel
I had a friend who used to do learning research with goldfish. Those suckers could learn! Maybe I should put you in touch with him:-)

Yes, see if those meatballs will appeal. It's hard figuring what will for any of us.

Pris said...

Saturn! I can hardly wait for your post to see what that planet says:-)

Geoff Sanderson said...

I'm from Uranus, well actually I'm from a very small moon that circles around that planet once every 75 Earth Years. For all intents and purposes,I don't really exist at all; I'm just a figment of Pris's fevered imagination, a sprite who escaped from one of her strange images.

Pris said...

If you're from my imagination, does that mean I can make you do anything I want you to do just by thinking it??:-) (Send money!!!!)

Pris said...

Hi naughty Michael
I wouldn't dare attempt a graphic of the great G's face. It would dazzle my screen, burn out my motherboard, correct my grammar:-)

Lyle Daggett said...

Mine came up as the moon too.

Greetings, moonling.

Pris said...

Ahhh, a fellow moonie:-) One in synch with the rise and fall of earth's tides. What could be nicer??

Pris said...

I keep forgetting...Is it Men are from Venus and Women are from Mars??? If so, you should have fun lol.

Pris said...

but all those men? What fun!:-)