Over the years, people have decorated their bodies..paints, piercings, tatoos. Do you have a piercing other than your ears? What about a tattoo? If so, which and what is the tattoo of, if that? Where is the tattoo or piercing on your body? What or who inspired you to do it?
This and other paintings by Rene Magritte can be found
Ouch! I'm not even going to take one of the body piercing medications that is recommended for someone in my condition:)
Are you talking about acupucture??
I have pierced ears. That's it. My first mother in law had been a nurse and was visiting when her son and I married when the ship came back from Vietnam first time. We found a hypodermic and she used a cube of ice to numb it and pluunge...in it went, followed by the earring. I have to say, that was enough for me;-)
I think a stud earring in one ear on a man looks really neat. If you got the tattoo what would it be of?
No Tattoo, pierced ears, when I wa sixteen by a nurse who lived in our neighborhood- same method.
Question- when art is reproduced online is permission needed? Depends on copyright? Or is it more like print, credit to the source?
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I wa sixteen=i was
Hi Ginger
Most of the art I use is on my website. If it's a contemporary artist, I write him/her and get specific permission (and save the email). With traditional art, I get most from posters.com, the site where it was posted, or artmagick.com and , with them, I credit the source. I should have credited this to artmagick, but they've revamped their site and it's not there anymore. I do try to be careful about these things, so thanks for the nudge.
Unfortunately, no way to edit comments. I do as you do when I make a typo and just add another comment. If something is big time wrong, hit the little icon on the bottom left of your comment and delete it and start over.
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