Monday, December 12, 2005

When kids grow up to be Rock Stars...

When I moved to Hawaii and was waiting for my car to be shipped to the state so I could begin working and move into my own place, I shared a second bedroom with a wide-eyed, big lipped adorable nine month old. He was the son of one of the navy wives. Her husband and my husband-to-be were good friends on a supply ship based off the coast of Vietman. I watched Chris grow older over the years the four of us remain friends, saw his 'terrible twos' when 'no' was his favorite word. Divorce split , first, my husband and me, then Chris's parents and the four of us drifted apart. Years later, I heard from his dad that he was making good money as a rock star. It wasn't until another navy friend recently sent me a link leading to the name of his group, Spin Doctors, that I discovered how well he'd done. Here's to you, Chris. I doubt you'll remember your first 'roommate', anymore, but it's good to read about your success!
This is Chris as I remember him, taken at a park in Hawaii after the ship came back from its tour of duty in Vietnam. Wasn't he adorable?? Click to enlarge.

An interview with Crhis can be found HERE. Chris is the blonde to the far left in the upper band photo.

1 comment:

Pris said...

Hi Michael
Having listened to so much music over the years, I don't know how I missed this group. Chris had changed his last name and he's changed so much, himself (obviously:-), that I wouldn't have recognized him if I didn't know.