As some of you who follow my blog already know,we adopted a stray cat after she dragged her newborn kittens into our garage before Hurricane Wilma hit. She's become more and more comfortable with us. Night before last was a bad pain night for me because of a lingering infection. Sabrina (our cat's new name) came in and jumped up onto the bed. As I tossed and turned, feeling pretty desparate, she walked up next to my head where I was lying on my left side with my hand tucked partially under my cheek. She reached out her paw and pressed on my little finger, forcing the hand down onto the bed. She then sat there for a minute kneading my finger with her paw before she curled up next to my feet again and went to sleep. I had the definite feeling that she was comforting me. Whatever her intention, it worked.
Animals are amazing. Care to share an animal story of your own in the comments? They love and love well and when they finally die, it can break your heart.
We once had 6 cats, but now with 3 kids, that's enough pets! :)
Any stories about those six cats to share? That's a LOT. Growing up, we lived on the edge of a small town and fed up to 13 cats at one point in time. All outdoor cats.
When I was pregnant with both of my children, my yellow lab mix Hannah would rest her head on my belly, even before I was showing. She always knew first!
That is so neat. I wonder what she was picking up on. The cat we got. When Wilma was forecasted, cats don't hear newscasts, obviously. She had her kittens in a crawl space under the house next door...safe enough under normal conditions since the opening was small and dogs couldn't get in. It was two days before Wilma was due when the weather here was just fine, that she brought the babies one by one into our garage when the door was left open. Instinctively, she knew that was safer. No clue how she knew or why, especially since the garage was not a place she could get in and out of like the crawl space.
Hormones? Air pressure? ESP? Who knows! That's just amazing. I think there is a poem in there . . .
A poem. Yes, for sure!
Was that a photo of Sabrina at the height of the hurricane? She looks as if she has just blown in from Kansas along with Dorothy and that witch on the bicycle :-)
I think you've read my 'cat' story and poem, so nothing new to add.
Sabrina was obviously showing her gratitude for your care of her, and could sense that you were ill, too. They are highly intelligent creatures.
This was actually her relaxing after the hurricane and realizing that we were going to keep on taking care of her and all of her babies. As you know, we found good homes for all four when weaned. One new owner reported back yesterday that the baby they took is getting along well with her other cats and one of the adult cats is even grooming her now.
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