Thursday, November 17, 2005

Who's linking to your blog???

A friend just sent me this site. Type in your blog URL in the box up top and the display will show you in several search engines where a link to your blog is found. It's mind boggling how links can spread...and thanks to all of you I found who have a link to my own blog!

Go to Wholinkstome.



Erin said...

Very cool link finder page! Thanks for that!

I can't believe you grew up so close to me! Small world eh? I remember Friday nights at Hatley's... man, those ARE some memories aren't they?

Pris said...

They really were! In all this time on the Internet I think you're one of two people who knows what it's like where I grew up. You probably came along after the Watermelon Festival was such a big deal in Pageland. When I was in school, Miss America used to come and there would be white glove and hat luncheons for her and all the other beauty queens competing for 'Miss Watermelon'. Now any Miss America would probably just get a good laugh out of being invited:-)

Andrew said...

Thanks for the link. Very cool.