Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Gigapan shot of the inauguration crowds. Taken at 1,474 megapixels!!!!

The below text came from my daily Kim Komando newsletter. I wish there was a way to link to it, but go to and play with different pans of the crowd. Fun and amazing detail. You really have to see this on site to fully appreciate it. (Sometimes I get error messages when I click on the link, so this is the URL direct to the site: They have messages up saying there's a big load on the site today)

This is the long range shot (click to enlarge)

This is a pan down to Obama.

From the newsletter:
A close look at the inauguration
Barack Obama's inauguration drew huge crowds to Washington. The Washington Post estimated that 1.8 million people attended. That estimate was accepted by the National Park Service. It is believed to have been the biggest crowd in Washington's history.

So, what does a crowd of 1.8 million look like? Well, I'm sure you've seen the news photos. They sure are impressive. They really give you a good feel for the size of the crowds.

Well, David Bergman has created a photo that is even more impressive. It's a panoramic image of the crowds.The image is an astounding 1,474 megapixels. No, that's not a typo!Bergman actually created the panorama from 220 individual images. He took the shots with his 14.7-megapixel Canon G10.

You will be amazed by the panorama. You can make out the faces in the crowd. Or, see the secret service agents on the rooftops.

You can see the panorama on Gigapan's site. You can also see thousands of other gigapixel images.


Collin Kelley said...

Very cool images. I love Kim Komando. I read her newsletters and tips every day.

Pris said...

Doesn't she bring out great stuff? I get her tips, too. One of her tips let me know ahead of time that I needed to go to the HP site and download a patch that would make my scanner work after a Microsoft patch had rendered it unworkable. I hadn't used my scanner in a few days, by chance, and would've been totally confused why it wouldn't work.

esk said...

Amazing. Wish I could have been there!

Pris said...

I know. The crowds must've been a nightmare and the cold...brrrr...but it was a magical day. Just glad I could see it on tv.