Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I was tested for a compression fracture yesterday since my bone density scores had fallen so, and don't have one in my low back (though old ones further up the spine). I'm grateful for that. I'm still inflammmed and in a lot of pain so all I can assume for now is that it's a fibromyalgia flare like I get in different parts of my body at different times. It's still almost impossible to sit, so....

I'll be back.



Pat Paulk said...

Take drugs and take care!!

novice.knitter said...

When it rains, it pours, huh? Thinking of you!

Pris said...

Pat, send drugs~:-) and thanks!

Erin and Ellen, thanks. Yes, it's a struggle right now and good to have people who care.


Pris said...

I'm thinking of you, too, Michael. Thanks.

Lyle Daggett said...

Hoping you feel better, Pris.

Ray said...

And we'll all be waiting to hear that you're feeling better!

Pris said...

Thank all of you. Things are not as intense now, so maybe it means I'm on the road back. I hope so. I miss all of you and I miss blogging.
