the west wind
ruffles my bottlebrush tree-
a mother's touch
(Thank all of you for your comments yesterday. It was a difficult day on many levels and I'm awake today with my throat throbbing and my head still bleary and throbbing, too, from the massive antibiotic I have to take when I have my teeth cleaned, due to a mitral valve occasional click. I don't do well on medications, as some of you know. And today is my long CFIDS day. I'm exhausted. I have notes for my doctor, since talking to him will be impossible. I may not see you, my internet friends, but I know you're there and I feel you. Know I appreciate you!)
The picture and the "ku" are wonderful!! Pris take care of yourself.
Lovely image and poem - I hope you get through this soon - thinking of you and sending healing thoughts.
Be well, Pris.
Thanks, all of you. I'm just back from my doc and crashing. Apparently, my body's dealt with so many meds due to infections this past year that the med yesterday at the dentist was the proverbial 'straw'. My throat is blood red from it and still throbbing and the headache hasn't gone yet. Pray for no more need for meds for awhile That's what my immunologist says will help the most.
Lavely work P, as ever.
As you know, Jill and I are thinking of you, hoping that things will settle down for you soon. I mean, with you sick, how can I harrass you? Get well :-)
Your post is lovely
"If I had my way I'd make health catching instead of disease." ~Robert Ingersoll
g, of course you can harrass me. it raises my endorphines:-)
endment...I love that quote!
Hope you're getting through it all right, Pris.
Thanks, Lyle
Hanging in while the med reaction works its way out. Thanks!
Like your haiku and photo, Pris.
Take your time.
a beautiful haiku and photo!
sorry about your condition and hope you feel better already.
Hi Polona and Sarah
Bit by bit I'm getting there. Thanks!
Hi Ellen
Thanks. I planted that tree in the eighties. It would be a lot bigger, but my husband insists on keeping it topped off low for some unfathonable reason. Sigh...
Thanks, Ellen, and Michael, you tantalize me. When are you going to tell me when/how you lived in New Zealand?:-)
Inspiring haiku. Add my best wishes.
Thanks, Natalia
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